McKiss Aviation Consulting Services CAMO team is the comprehensive maintenance oversight partner of your aircraft.

Airworthiness is the fundamental requirement for an aircraft to be operated. With our CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization) team, we are able to offer services supporting aircraft owners.

Improved Reliability, and reduced maintenance costs

Maximum safety, performance, and aircraft availability

The CAMO designation, also referred to as Part-M, ultimately requires handling liaisons with authorities on behalf of an aircraft owner; finding solutions to maintenance problems.

We know the challenges that aircraft owners are confronted with from our previous projects with customers worldwide and hence are able to offer a solution for every issue. Our CAMO is your reliable partner from the smallest of issues up to taking the lead on complex modifications, transitions, and aircraft purchases.

Our CAMO team ensures that the requirements issued by manufacturers and authorities are adhered to very precisely.

We make sure the documentation matches the technical status of the aircraft at all times. We manage a task as efficiently as no one else would.

Our services for a safe and airworthy operation include:  

  • Maintenance program development and revision
  • AD/SB assessment
  • Condition monitoring and Reliability program
  • Weight & Balance, Documentation management
  • Maintenance planning and control
  • Check work packages
  • Aircraft status monitoring and updates